Self delusion is my optimism
Monday, November 27, 2006
For all the guys who don't know what hit them,and what to do to avoid when their wives,girlfriends,or mistresses goes into PMS mode,heres something funny i saw.Thought i'd share it..
Friday, November 24, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
No doubt it gets boring sometimes during the holidays,for some people when they get bored,they make parodies.But for people like me,i'd stick to watching them.Here's a justin timberlake's one,sexyback...or err...Paxilback..
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Just got home from a wedding dinner,and my stomach is still as bloated as it was.I totally regret taking that 3 bowls of bird's nest,i seem to be able to feel them floating around in my stomach.
Got there early,but it started an hour later,and during that hour it was the usual "interrogation" stuff."Do you remember me?" "What school are u in now?" "Got a girlfriend?" And the witty remarks, "Woah you don't look like before!" "Your eye lashes are long!" "Your eyebrows are thick!" and so on and so forth.And to those i merely smiled back weakly,and politely nod my head,after all what could i say?Especially when it came to the 'my name is not linked with my other two brothers'.
The bride was really pretty,and in her modern cheong-sam dress,she looked elegant.And i swear she looked like she came off the screen of your tv.They say that a woman is the prettiest when she puts on her wedding gown,and i have no qualms bout that.The sight of the bride and bridegroom was just what they call bliss i guess,together they seemed perfect.I've been to a number of wedding dinners in my life,and i've seen many couples over the period when i worked as a waiter.Today should have been no different,but it was.
I used to think that for two people to decide to get married and spend their lives together,it just needed something called love and then it was done.And therefore i never used to see two people getting married as special.But today,when i looked upon them,it dawned on me how special it was for two people to decide that they want to spend the rest of their lives together.It occurred to me that it takes a whole lot more,marriage is not something everyone can do with. A lifetime commitment,is definitely not all can commit to.
Finding someone that can,lies in fate,and then i wondered if i ever would find mine.Would i one day,be that man holding someone whom i want to spend the rest of my life with,and someone who feel the same.I always believed i would,but not anymore.I guess i've grown a little more,for i finally realised that it's not something that comes easy,and commitment is not everyone's cup of tea.
Tonight i walked away from the dinner with a smile different from that i used to carry before.
Tonight i smiled at them,cause i felt happy that two of them found each other,and that is no longer just what they call bliss and happiness.It's what I call now..
Thursday, November 16, 2006
And through the workshop came interesting quotes and a meaningful story about obstacles
Here's the story and most of you may have heard it before..
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly.One day a small opening appeared.He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.Then it seemed to stop making any progress.It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it had and it could go no further.
Then the man decided to help the butterfly,so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of cocoon.The butterfly then emerged easily.But it had a swollen body and small shriveled wings.The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that,at any moment,the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body which would contract in time.Neither happened!In fact,the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings.It never was able to fly.
What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the opening were God's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life.If god allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles,it would cripple us.We would not be as strong as what we could have been.And we could never fly.
And some meaningful quotes as well,
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.
-Bruce Barton
Destiny is not a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice;
It isn't a thing to be waited for,it is a thing to be achieved.
-W J Bryan
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Went for a workout and then for a swim today,and i have finally realised what the age limit for a tattoo was for.All the fuss made about having to be 18 before you could actually get a tattoo on legally,is justified.
Because i saw a group of kids,probably in their 13s or 14s at the pool,and one of them had this tattoo of bubbles' head on his upper back.Imagine the above picture,without colour,and just the head alone.That kid probably got caught up in the powerpuff girls' craze that he thought it would be cool to actually tattoo his favourite character on his back.And this has to be the reason why the age limit is there,cause they're afraid that in a moment of stupidity,kids might do stupid things like that.I couldn't help thinking that one fine day,when he went to the beach,all grown up,topless.I'd bet my last dollar in my wallet that he'd get all the girls' attention.Well the girls that probably are still watching powerpuff girls of cause.
And today,after some thinking,i finally decided that i,need a dream or a goal to work towards to.Growing up throughout the years,i unknowingly lost all my aspirations and dreams.The brutal reality kicked in after the childhood days,and all the dreams i once had were shoved to a side.People who achieve things and people who are successful,all start with a dream,or an aspiration.
It gives something to work towards to,something to justify the hard work and something that motivates when coupled with desire.I remember my mom telling me bout this fifteen year old boy she came across once,when probed about his aspirations,he not only knew what he wanted to be.He knew at the back of his head,what was it that he had to do to get there,the exact path,exact amount of work to put in.
If someone were to ask me what i wanted to be now,it'd be a banker,but this aspiration is but something driven by money,and not passion.And today,i've decided i'm gonna do something,that is of use to people.Today,it's time to start dreaming,and working hard.
This time next year,i'm gonna sit in the exam hall,and i'm gonna know that the results of it,is gonna be the perfect birthday present to my mom.There is but one path for me,and it is where i shall tread.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Gosh,the story gets sadder and sadder as each episode progresses,and i'm in tears again.Managed to borrow the disc from my friend and i now have the whole series of it!Went for a swim with dom and shang,didn't really swim much,but oh well it's still some exercise!
Shang as usual was shang,doing retarded stuff like synchronised swimming,or water ballet in short.He managed to look like he was drowning,and i was praying the lifeguard won't panic.I have decided to add the word shang to my dictionary,
Shang [ Sh-ang]
1. | characterized by retardation: a retarded child. |
2. | (used with a plural verb![]() |
Alright time for bed,geog lesson tomorrow at eight,and i'm gonna have to force myself to bed.So tempted to continue with the next epispde though,but i guess i'd leave it to tomorrow!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Yet another slack day is about to get whisked away,and i've spent it watching 1 litre of tears,eating,gaming and sleeping.
Kinda teared a little while watching it,at some parts the show just gets the tear glands active and after watching it,i kinda started thinking and i came to realise alot.Most of us probably ain't thankful for what we have.Especially me,i never really appreciated the things and people around me,cause it comes so naturally and easily.
And the scene with the girl's family rallying around her,giving her support and encouragement made me think bout mine.I haven't really cherished my family,i got a great dad who takes time off for the family every week,a superb mom that showers me with attention and care everyday.And two irritating brothers whom i wouldn't feel right if they weren't around to bug me.
And inevitably this question runs through my mind,what if,what if it were me.Would i be strong enough to carry on with life just like her,would i have the real true friends like her beside me.SO many will i's and so many what if's.But the main thing would be i'd be torn apart,theres so many things i haven't said to so many people,so many things i haven't done.And i would never be able to shake off the "i'm different" tag that people would place on me.
And all this while i keep procrastinating,keep telling myself,time is on my side,it can all wait till tomorrow.This show has let me realise the value of time,one day of my time might not be worth much,but to some other person one day can mean everything.It's time to put things right,i should do whatever i want to do,and it's time to live like today's the last.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
A really sad show that comes with a message,so if you've got time to spare i recommend "One litre of tears"

Went orchard again yesterday,caught a flick there and caught up with my friends.Seeing the christmas decorations kinda mean that the year is sadly coming to an end soon,and my nightmare is about to start.I'm so not looking foward to school next year.
I desperately need a job now,so much clothes and stuff i wanna buy,especially that zara pants i tried on,so i'd greatly appreciate any job intros.
Money it seems,nowadays,can do alot more.And i was beginning to wonder if people still saw through monetary value,and onto the true value.But it has dawned on me that no matter how much we argue that it's the thought that counts and stuff like that,we cannot deny the monetary value still comes into play.
I still feel that the meaning of giving a present revolves around the thought,and how much it's worth should be based on the ability of the present giver.Increasingly this,i've realised isn't true,there're people who give presents judged on the the person receiving,and anything that's below a certain value,(which is not a small one) is deemed as cheapskate for that particular person.
So girls,if two good guys came along,and you liked both of them as much.One of them offers you a diamond ring,the other offers you a mere ring without diamonds.Who would you choose?The answer is pretty obvious,and money does play a role here.
And in this cruel world,there's no room for slacking,rui has better got his ass off and start working,because money it seems now,is more or less 1% away from everything.
Would it come a day when the real true friends stand in a Guess shop buying something for you,and the other "friends" sit outside just waiting?I wonder...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Can ex-lovers actually still be friends?Watching sex and the city at ben's place with the peeps got me thinking..
The show depicts four women's life,and it's as close to reality as it gets.One episode was bout them meeting their ex-es and bout them dealing with the possibility of being friends again,well of which non were successful.
Some people say lovers can still be friends,because afterall they started off as friends.Some people say,it's impossible considering all the emotions and feelings involved.I saw this quote,
"If two past lovers can remain friends,either they never were in love or they still are."
It's true,yet untrue at the same time.But when it comes to feelings who can ever be sure,there can be no book that unravels this thing called love,nor anything that comes with it.There can be no-one who can grasp this mysterious thing we look in awe.Probably one of the most desired,most cherished,yet at the same time the most uncherished and most invisible thing.
Between two it creates a bond so intense,that it invokes every emotion and passion in one.It's so strong,strong enough to bring one to knees and tears.If you were to ask me my take on this,i can never say for sure if two ex lovers can actually be friends.
I'm still friends with the first girl i ever fell for,and that didn't come without 2 years of maturity between the both of us.It took two years,but still we were friends again,maybe i just couldn't accept the fact,or maybe i just didn't wanna be reminded of the loss i suffered.Two years with someone,doesn't make it hard to comprehend why it was hard.
Fast forward two years,and yet another two years of maturity,i thought i was ready.Standing back up from my fall,and after nursing back the wounds,i was ready to once again.I opened my heart and becamse vulnerable once again,for i thought that this one would not cut me a single wound.Things took off great,and fast forward six months later cracks appeared in this knight's armour.What're a few cracks in a relationship right you might ask?Just before it had a chance to be mended the armour fell apart,along with the two people encased within.
Right now,those two are but mere strangers,there is nothing,not even coldness,or a tinge of bitterness when they meet.Why can't they be friends?Is it the girl?No its the guy.It's not because he'd still childish,he's grown up now and he thinks and sees much further.
I've been thinking and i finally came up with an answer,my own answer to myself to that question if two ex lovers could be friends still.My answer is,yes,but hardly.And in this case,i can't and i won't because i've loved too deeply,and she'd hurt too deeply.The pain comes, in that when you firmly believe and put your faith in someone,and he or she just breaks it all.I would be her friend,just like before,but she's beyond recognition after all that she's done,she's no longer that person i knew.Her image tarnished,and her name when uttered brings a kind of coldness to my heart.Two ex lovers can be friends,only if it was a mutual breakup that didn't hurt.But then again,if they both truly loved,would there be a breakup then..
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Woke up body aching like some old man,and i remembered why.
I somehow didn't create a miracle yesterday,that is by reaching for vball training on time,thus having to do the extra 10 mins-per-round punishment.Adding on to the usual two rounds,i was late for like an hour,so you do the math!
Running is a love hate relationship for me,i love it cause it's a test for something called perserverence and determination.It reminds me of life,where obstacles come knocking every now and then,and you'd always feel like giving up at times.There wasn't much of the sun beating down,though you could still feel the sweltering heat encompassing your whole body.But that can't compare to the one burning inside your body,the one threatening to erupt anytime.There'd come a point,when you hear your own breathing,and feel your heart's beat,and when that happens,each huff and puff,each beat your heart takes,you feel the energy just draining from your legs.
And with all that,you won't carry on without perserverence,you can't reach the end not desiring to reach it.Just like in life,the difference between people who get what they want and people who don't is but two opposite things with a thin line drawn between.The first group?They want it badly,the latter just wants it.I'm not a sportsman,not at the moment,a true sportsman posseses both perserverence and determination.I lost them when i was in secondary school,back then this two were things i firmly believed in.I believed that so as long as i tried hard enough,so as long as i desired,i would go all out for it.Part of it was probably because of my basketball coach,my team was made up of a group of fellas who were short and couldn't even do a lay-up.She told us straight in the face,its alright if you lack aptitude,i don't care,but i believe that hard work will get you guys there,and she was right.After more than a year of nerve breaking and teeth gritting training we improved ten-fold an became a team you could reckon with.
Then i truly believed in the words wanting it badly,cause we all wanted to make the cut in basketball.But in my other area of life,it contradicted in whatever i believed in.I had a girlfriend once back in sec school,and after two years she broke off with me.Back then i knew clearly what i wanted,and back then i tried so hard,cause i believed that so as long as i tried hard enough,she'd see that burning desire in my eyes,the one that says i want you.She didn't,she crippled me and that thing i believed in,she said i was too persistent and somehow my efforts and faith crumbled away.From that day onwards,i lost this two things in my life,whenever situations that call for perserverence arises,i would step back and say let it be i'm not gonna be determined and try.Deep down i'm just so afraid,that one incident left a scar,and it reminds till today.
But all that's gotta change,i've come to realise that these two things i've lost is the most important thing in life,you've got to keep trying and that is the only way.The moment you stop trying,you truly fail.Cause the moment you don't try,there'd be no chance at all for sucess.
There is gonna come a time,when i would say "C'mon bro don't give up,you gotta try harder!" even if i can tell if the girl isn't interested to my friend when he's trying to woo a girl.Cause right now,i'd just say "Give it up"
Sunday, November 05, 2006
A random vid mich showed me and just in case the last post was boring,here's a cute eye-candy!The guy is super gorgeous!It's worth the wait!=D
Thursday, November 02, 2006

See the slide?It's kinda meant for kids.=x
Alright yesterday me and dom went to hit the gym and we decided to go for a swim with ben after that!Actually it wasn't intended,but because we were nice peeps who didn't wanna disappoint ben,we decided to swim with him!(See nice right!)
I shan't go into details bout how we manged to still swim though we didn't quite bring our stuff,it's kinda embarassing.Anyway after doing lame stuff like seeing who swims furthest without using our arms,and retarded things like what kids do,putting your feet on the pavement while trying to balance your body in water and etc.We got bored enough and went to "the slide".
Thank god the place was kinda deserted,cause i have no idea what people would think seeing 3 retarded psychos at the kid's slide.We did the "Superman" pose while sliding down,then the "Sleeping beauty" one and finally i bumped into a kid on the way down.Before you go "OH MY GOD HOW'S THE KID!",i'm gonna mention the word gentle in front of the bump.
Anyway it was pretty fun,re-living the childhood days,can't wait to do it again!Oh!And we kinda spotted a hot babe,with a splendid figure.Ta~daa!Motivation to swim!=x Ah-ha!See!For those of you who thinks i'm becoming a gay,this sure proves you wrong!
I shan't go into details bout how we manged to still swim though we didn't quite bring our stuff,it's kinda embarassing.Anyway after doing lame stuff like seeing who swims furthest without using our arms,and retarded things like what kids do,putting your feet on the pavement while trying to balance your body in water and etc.We got bored enough and went to "the slide".
Thank god the place was kinda deserted,cause i have no idea what people would think seeing 3 retarded psychos at the kid's slide.We did the "Superman" pose while sliding down,then the "Sleeping beauty" one and finally i bumped into a kid on the way down.Before you go "OH MY GOD HOW'S THE KID!",i'm gonna mention the word gentle in front of the bump.
Anyway it was pretty fun,re-living the childhood days,can't wait to do it again!Oh!And we kinda spotted a hot babe,with a splendid figure.Ta~daa!Motivation to swim!=x Ah-ha!See!For those of you who thinks i'm becoming a gay,this sure proves you wrong!

A new case for my darling ipod from ben and shang!

Thanks for everything!=)) Shirt and cap's from yanisa along with a bag,card's made by ben and pencil case by timo and dom

The cake we didn't get to cut togther!=( It was YUMMY!=p
Thank you peeps for the wonderful night out on monday,it was great seeing you guys talking crap,joking and ostracising solomon once again just like old times!We had steamboat and stuffed ourselves silly,after which we decided to walk around before cutting our cake.
The best part?After walking around we realised non of us had a lighter,well i'd look on the positive side,(no one having a lighter means that no one there smokes) and we couldn't really find a good place to cut the cake.Therefore,we ended up with me bringing home the wonderful cake jin xian got for me.(btw it was superb,with ferrero choc as one of the many layers)
Thank you people once again,it's one of the best birthday thingy i had in my life,and i'm really glad you guys were there,making it more memorable.Though some peeps didn't turn up,i would like to say i really wanted to see you there regardless of whether or not you had a present.I don't quite care bout that,more bout you showing up actually.Oh well!I'm still glad for everything!=D
The best part?After walking around we realised non of us had a lighter,well i'd look on the positive side,(no one having a lighter means that no one there smokes) and we couldn't really find a good place to cut the cake.Therefore,we ended up with me bringing home the wonderful cake jin xian got for me.(btw it was superb,with ferrero choc as one of the many layers)
Thank you people once again,it's one of the best birthday thingy i had in my life,and i'm really glad you guys were there,making it more memorable.Though some peeps didn't turn up,i would like to say i really wanted to see you there regardless of whether or not you had a present.I don't quite care bout that,more bout you showing up actually.Oh well!I'm still glad for everything!=D